



How do I upload my photo?
Can I restrict access to my photos?

How the 'Send profile to friends' feature works?

What is the difference between a free member and a paid member?
Why have you deleted my account?



Casual Sex is a part of a major dating network called Dating Factory. Our system combines years of experience in online dating and the latest technology to create safe, enjoyable and easy to use dating websites. Our main priority is to keep our members happy. Advanced technology and communication features give you instant access to millions of members worldwide and hundreds near to you. An Advanced search function helps you to find exactly your type of person. We are constantly adding new features and we would appreciate your feedback about the ones you like the most. We want you to feel comfortable in our growing dating community, so our experienced team is available 24/7 to provide support, help and advice on using the site. Please feel free to Contact us at any time.


Dating FactoryはSAOC T/A Tyche Technologies SAに属し、スイス連邦データ保護法とシェンゲンデータ保護法により規定されています。


詳しくは https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/19920153/index.html



Your personal data is stored on secure servers located within the European Union. It will not be sold or disclosed to any third party. Your contact information will be used only for the purpose of providing the service that you agreed to in casualsex.net's terms and conditions.

When you submit your credit card information, it is passed through a secure connection to the payment provider. Your card gets authorized only for the payment you selected on the website.

All communication between members of the website is private, secure and not moderated. You should report other members who are abusing the system and their profile will be deleted immediately should we find this to be the case.

New members' profiles go through a manual approval process prior to activation.



  • 地理的にリスクの高い地域における自動の適正化と規制
  • メールアドレス認証
  • サイトに送信されたプロフィール記述やメディアコンテンツに対するスタッフによる適正化作業
  • サイト規則違反やプロフィールやメッセージでの違法なコンテンツ制作について、他の会員により報告された会員の削除 



Dating Factory reserves the right to advertise on the Casual Sex pages, new website features, promotions and products that we believe will be of interest. Third party advertising is permitted in designated areas of the website and emails.



The Find a Date form is on your home page on the right hand side. You can search by gender, sexual orientation, age, screenname or location and connect with other members in no time.

Advanced Search allows you to find people by their personal interests as well as very specific criteria with everything from hair colour to height and weight to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Find someone special from the millions of available singles out there.


This is where you can see everything in one place – those who you like, do not like and you can also see who looked at your profile and really liked you. Have fun with your friends and keep in touch with the closest ones. The Browse page has all the latest updates for New members, Latest matches using the criteria you specified and Online members, as well as VIP profiles – people who are serious about finding someone on Casual Sex.


Friends – add members who you really like into this list and they will receive notification that you have a serious interest in them. Who knows, they may like you too.

Blocked – a useful feature if your profile becomes too popular and you want to restrict who can contact you.




メッセージ により相手を良く知りましょう。

紹介メッセージ は、あなたが興味を持っている会員向けにシステムが作成するカスタムメッセージです。

まとめ は、誰がいつあなたにメールを送ったかやあなたが好意を持っている会員に

Wink at somebody you like. It lets them know you're interested

カード は、さり気なく会員に最初のアプローチができます。

Added to Favorites is a message you receive when somebody adds you to their Friends list

プロフィール情報リクエスト は、あなたのことについてもっと知りたいと思っている会員からリクエストされます。

メディア リクエスト は、写真やなどのプライベートメディアを表示を依頼するリクエストです。

Added Media lets you know who of your matches has added a new photo


With this new feature, you can flirt with the members you like and find out whether the feeling is mutual.

Flirt tab allows you to select whether you want to flirt with this member or move on to the next candidate. Here you will also find the top Flirts of the week.

My flirts tab allows you to see all the members that you have flirted with.

Flirted with me tab reveals those who have flirted with you. You should definitely flirt back with them!

Mutual is the most interesting tab, where you can see which members share your feelings. Your perfect match might be in there somewhere!



Do you know that interesting profiles with a photo and detailed information attract 20 times more interest than poorly written ones without a photo?

We would recommend putting your real age and the most recent photo on your profile. It does not have to be a professional photograph as a more natural one will attract a better reaction. At the end of the day this is how you look in real life and this is exactly how your future partner will see you.

Take your time to write a description. Paint a true picture of yourself. Your profile is your digital self – make it as close to your real self as possible.

Other members would like to know what your expectations are. Try not to be too precise, make sure you leave room for others to find out more about you but still give a good impression of your ideal match. It will help to avoid people who you are not really interested in at all.

Fill in all the additional criteria that you think is relevant to you. This will help us to send you updates with more accurate matches and also will give very useful information about you to other members.

自分を上手に表現するのが、Casual Sexでの成功の第一歩です。


Yes, each new or updated profile goes through a manual moderation process. We do not moderate your personal information. We only check that the profile does not contain illegal or abusive content in the pictures or profile description. The Data Protection Act does not allow us to show your personal contact details publicly. You can exchange this information in one-to-one communication with site members.


We aim to approve profiles within 2 hours but it can take up to 24 hours in the busiest times and at weekends. Please be patient, our moderation system is in place to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience on Casual Sex


Your profile will be shown in search results straight after it is approved. You will receive an email notification from our team notifying you exactly when this happens.


Making changes in your profile is quick and easy. Go to the Profile tab of the main menu to see your profile exactly how other members see it on the website. Click on the Edit tab near the information you want to change. Make changes and save. Please note that any new pictures and updated profile descriptions will go through our moderation process and it may take a few hours to get approved. You can choose to make your photo open to everyone or private and available for particular members on request, or restricted to members in your Friends list.


How do I upload my photo?

Go to Your gallery, choose a file from your PC, write a photo description and choose one of the privacy options.

  • Public - will show your photo to everyone,
  • Private - limits showing your photo only upon request and with your permission,
  • Friends - will open your photos to all members on your Friends list.


As we don't allow xxx-content on the site all your xxx-photos become private after moderation and can be viewed by other users after you make them available to them.

You can also upload photos directly from your webcam; just follow the instructions on the screen on your Gallery page.

Can I restrict access to my photos?

Yes, you have to select one of the privacy options when uploading the file.

Public - will show your photos to everyone,

Private - limits showing your photos only upon request and with your permission,

Friends - will open your photos to all members on your Friends list.


VIP profile is an option that is available to Gold members only. First you need to subscribe to a Gold membership to be able to communicate with as many users as you want and then get yourself noticed. You can buy both options together in a discounted package. Having a VIP profile will allow you to be advertised on others members' homepages and highlighted in the general search results. Your emails will also be highlighted in other members' mailboxes. You will be listed within a dedicated gallery and will be on the priority listing of Casual Sex's chat program.

あなたのプロフィールを注目させましょう! 今すぐこちらから>>


サイトからあなたの外部メールアドレス宛に配信されるメールは、新規のあなたにマッチする会員、あなたに関心がある会員、特別オファーやデートに役立つアドバイスなどの情報をお知らせするために必要不可欠なサービスとなります。私たちはこのオプションを継続し、Casual Sex からの配信メールを確実に受信できるようスパムフィルターを調整するよう強くお勧めします。理由に関わらずお知らせメールを停止するには、メールの一番下にある直接リンクを利用すれば簡単に行うことが出来ます。あるいはプロフィール >> アカウント詳細 ページに進んで下さい。

There you can make changes to different types of emails – New matches notifications and other site notifications as well as news & offers. Choose the relevant option and save changes to your profile settings.


You can change your email address at any time by going to Profile >> Account details page. We will send you a new password to confirm your email address. Please go to your new external mail box and login to the site using your new login information for the changes to become active.

How the 'Send profile to friends' feature works?

If you have friends on the dating scene and you see someone that you think they may like, you can send them a direct link to a profile simply by clicking the 'Send profile to friends' link. You can be your very own matchmaker.




素敵な出会いがあった、あるいは単に少し時間を置きたいなどの理由でCasual Sexを退会する場合は、プロフィール>>アカウント詳細に進み、アカウント削除ボタンをクリックしてプロフィールを削除して下さい。サービス向上のため、退会の理由をお知らせいただけると幸いです。 すべての有料会員登録が停止される前にプロフィールを削除することができません。


A dating site is an exciting place to be and it can be an even greater experience if you keep a few simple rules in mind while communicating with other members. This will ensure you have the best experience and will keep you safe.

  • Try to find out as much general information about the person as possible before going on a first date.
  • Get his/her home address or telephone number and try to verify it.
  • Tell one of your close friends where and when you are going on a date.
  • Try to arrange your first date somewhere public and familiar to both of you.
  • Be cautious if asked too much information about your income or finances.
  • Never send any money to anyone before you meet them.
  • Contact us and report a member if you feel that his/her behaviour on the site looks suspicious.


What is the difference between a free member and a paid member?

Casual Sex has two types of membership – Free Trial and Gold Members. Gold members can also subscribe to VIP.


  • プロフィールを作成し更新することができます。
  • プロフィールに写真やを追加したり削除したりできます。
  • 当サイトの閲覧ができます。
  • 決められた数のメールを送信できます。
  • 他の会員の標準設定の写真を見ることができます。
  • チャットのリクエストを送信したり返信したりできます。
  • ウィンクを送信したり、受信したりできます。
  • お気に入りやブロックに会員を追加することができます。
  • プロフィール設定の更新ができます。
  • 外部メールアドレスに最新のマッチした会員一覧を受け取ることができます。


  • 無料トライアル会員向けのすべてのサービスをご利用いただけます。
  • 送受信するメールやウィンクの数に制限はありません。
  • 他のメンバーのギャラリーを見ることができます。
  • テキスト、音声・チャットを制限なしにご利用いただけます。
  • 検索結果で表示されるプロフィールに、ゴールド会員を示すマークが付きます。


  • benefit from this exclusive status and stand out from the crowd
  • be highlighted in all of the other members' search results and galleries
  • be featured on other members' home pages
  • be highlighted in members' mailboxes
  • can communicate with both Gold and Trial members
  • have a priority listing on the website
  • get listed in dedicated Featured profiles galleries





  • benefit from this exclusive status and stand out from the crowd
  • be highlighted in all of the other members' search results and galleries
  • be featured on other members' home pages
  • be highlighted in members' mailboxes
  • can communicate with both Gold and Trial members
  • have a priority listing on the website
  • get listed in dedicated Featured profiles galleries



Some payment methods require a long activation period, e.g. bank transfers, cash payments. Please contact our Support team if you need more detail on a specific payment method.


有料サービスをキャンセルするとプロフィールが制限され、理想のお相手と知り合う機会を逃してしまうかもしれません。それでもなお支払いを停止する場合は、プロフィール>> アカウント詳細>> 請求のキャンセルより、取り消すサービスを選択して下さい。あるいはカスタマーサービスチームにご連絡下さい。確実にキャンセルするには、次回支払い日の少なくとも7日前までにメールでその旨をお知らせ下さい。



  • パスワードは大文字小文字を認識しています。大文字が必要な箇所で利用されているかどうかご確認ください。
  • メールアドレスやパスワードの最初や最後にスペースが入っていないかご確認ください。
  • メールにて送信されたアクティベーション用リンクに使用したメールアドレスであるかご確認ください。
  • カスタマーサポートから会員資格の抹消を知らせるメールを受け取っていないかご確認ください。



私たちのカスタマーサポートチームは24時間営業し、すべてのメールに2時間以内に返信するように努力しています。 ただしご質問が重なる場合、それ以上の時間をいただく場合もあります。お問い合わせページのフォームや各ページの一番下にある関連リンクをクリックして、カスタマーサポートまでご連絡下さい。



Why have you deleted my account?

Click here to contact our support team.